Go Beyond Your Comfort Zone Blog Title Image Casey Green Studios Scottsdale Arizona

“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” – Neale Donald Walsch


Have you ever felt stuck?


You know that feeling when you know what you need to be doing, but for some reason you keep talking yourself out of making the choice?


You keep listing all the reasons why it won’t work. Why you can’t go to the place where you want to be?


I have felt stuck and disempowered in my life. Many times.  And when I’m at my lowest moments, feeling a little hopeless and frustrated, the answer to recharge and regenerate my life has almost always been to break through my fears and do the thing I’ve been afraid to do.


The amazing thing is, once I make the decision to take the leap of faith and move out of my comfort zone, I am always greeted with a renewed sense of hope and excitement for life.

It’s the leap of faith that allows the next good thing to come into my life.


So my challenge to you today is to identify something that maybe makes you feel a little uncomfortable. Choose something that you have been wanting to do for months, maybe years, but you have always talked yourself out of doing.


Instead of letting the fear win today, don’t over think it, don’t analyze, and just leap.


You won’t regret it.


Happy jumping.



Casey Green Headshot, Casey Green Studios Scottsdale Arizona

Casey Green Studios, LLC

8700 E. Pinnacle Peak Road, Suite 114

Scottsdale, AZ 85255




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